New Year, New Hope: Support Menstruators with A...
Fundraiser Overview Purpose and Mission: As we ring in the New Year, Abimbola is on a mission to empower teen menstruators with reusable, chemical-free products that will last 2-5 years....
New Year, New Hope: Support Menstruators with A...
Fundraiser Overview Purpose and Mission: As we ring in the New Year, Abimbola is on a mission to empower teen menstruators with reusable, chemical-free products that will last 2-5 years....
How to wash your Period Cup from Abimbola
The Abimbola Period Cup: A Safe, Sustainable Solution for Menstrual Care Our Period Cup is designed with your comfort, safety, and the planet in mind. Here's everything you need to know about...
How to wash your Period Cup from Abimbola
The Abimbola Period Cup: A Safe, Sustainable Solution for Menstrual Care Our Period Cup is designed with your comfort, safety, and the planet in mind. Here's everything you need to know about...